Your responses will be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside of the research team.
The VA has hired Westat Inc., an independent research company in Rockville, Maryland, to conduct this study.
Westat has taken many steps to protect your privacy and the confidentiality of the information you provide
as required by the VA Central Institutional Review Board (IRB), which protects the rights and welfare of VA
research study participants. These steps include but are not limited to obtaining a Certificate of Confidentiality,
assigning a unique access code to each cohort member, administering the survey on a secure website, securely
storing all data, restricting data access, and ensuring that study staff has the appropriate security clearance,
and current training certification in the protection of human subjects, and data security protocol.
At the VA, the data will be stored and analyzed in a protected VA environment by selected VA researchers.
Your answers will not be shared with VA healthcare providers, military commands, disability evaluators,
insurance companies, or anyone else not directly involved in this study.
If you have received health services from the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), your survey data may
also be linked to your medical records for research purposes only, then de-identified for analysis. In
compliance with VHA Directive 1605.01, this may include VA records pertaining to alcohol and drug
treatment but not sickle cell disease or HIV status.